Provide Your Clients the Best of Everything!
The products you use on your clients are most likely chosen by you because they are the top of the line or the best products you feel you want to use on them.
But, what about the water you are using to blend your products? Do you drink the water directly from the tap? If not, why? Because you feel it's perhaps not clean and pure? If so, why would you mix your products - which you feel are the best - with water that you consider impure?
It's true - the water out of our taps not only contains fluoride and chlorine, but also the energetic patterns of drugs and chemicals. Don't you think this has an impact on the products you are mixing them with? The skin absorbs these impurities; just as we want to drink pure water, the skin also needs pure water.
We carry a variety of products that will input not only the highest frequencies into the water, but will neutralize and transform all chemicals and drugs, and chemical and drug signatures in the water. The result, pure, pristine, high frequency water to combine with minerals, clays, footbath water, lotions, creams, rinses and more. These Ayterion Agua products will not interfere with your product's use; rather they enhance your products, and take them to their highest potential.
And, you can do it at a nominal cost. Just fill out our inquiry form and let us know your application and we can tell you what product(s) to use.
Read more about Ayterion Agua Perfect Science at