We have just been playing with these wands in many ways.
I really recommend that everyone read Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins. I use David's scale for everything. When I do emotional defusion with people, I muscle test for their energy on the Power vs. Force scale, before and after. There is a noticeable increase in frequency once some of the old emotional traumas are released.
Along those same lines, we can measure the energy output of our food, using that same scale which runs from 0 to 1000. Most of humanity is in the 200-240 range. As you become more conscious, you move up in frequency.
Ideally, the food and beverages you consume, the television and movies that you view, the books you read, your environment, etc. should resonate at a higher level than you are currently at. This will help you grow and move into that frequency.
Unfortunately, our food is in very sad shape. I love coffee, but coffee is not only acidic, but also only has an energy signature of between 25 and 35 (at least the stuff you get in a restaurant). By stirring the coffee with the wand, I can bring the energy level to over 700 (See http://newconnexion.net/articles/index.cfm/2005/03/moyle.html for the scale). 700 is the entry level of enlightenment.
Food also sadly is usually under 100. Waving the wand over the food brings the energy of the food up much higher.
After eating, wand your digestive tract to help assimilate your food in the best possible manner.
I can also do this with Perfect Science products, and have been for years. I drop Breaker or Clear into my drinks. The taste noticeably improves, the acidity drops, and the energy level is incredibly high.
In my garden, the plants were watered with Perfect Science, the plants were occasionally sprayed with it. I mixed plant food with it. I had a great yield; the vegetables tasted unbelievable. My tomatoes were so sweet - I've never had tomatoes taste that sweet. And their energy was well over 700 on the scale.
You may also use the Bovis scale for measurement, again using muscle testing or a pendulum.
Use the wand in your bath water or pool. Or use Perfect Science to bring the energy level up.
If you are not familiar with self muscle testing, we found a short instructional video, which you can view here.
I welcome your testimonies on the wands! Write me at sue at perfectwaters.net.