(NaturalNews) When it comes to selling chemicals that claim to treat H1N1 swine flu, the pharmaceutical industry's options are limited to two: Vaccines and anti-virals. The most popular anti-viral, by far, is Tamiflu, a drug that's actually derived from a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called star anise.
But Tamiflu is no herb. It's a potentially fatal concentration of isolated chemical components that have essentially been bio-pirated from Chinese medicine. And when you isolate and concentrate specific chemicals in these herbs, you lose the value (and safety) of full-spectrum herbal medicine.
That didn't stop Tamiflu's maker, Roche, from trying to find a multi-billion-dollar market for its drug. In order to tap into that market, however, Roche needed to drum up some evidence that Tamiflu was both safe and effective.
Roche engages in science fraud
Roche claims there are ten studies providing Tamiflu is both safe and effective. According to the company, Tamiflu has all sorts of benefits, including a 61% reduction in hospital admissions by people who catch the flu and then get put on Tamiflu.
The problem with these claims is that they aren't true. They were simply invented by Roche.
A groundbreaking article recently published in the British Medical Journal accuses Roche of misleading governments and physicians over the benefits of Tamiflu. Out of the ten studies cited by Roche, it turns out, only two were ever published in science journals. And where is the original data from those two studies? Lost.
The data has disappeared. Files were discarded. The researcher of one study says he never even saw the data. Roche took care of all that, he explains.
So the Cochrane Collaboration, tasked with reviewing the data behind Tamiflu, decided to investigate. After repeated requests to Roche for the original study data, they remained stonewalled. The only complete data set they received was from an unpublished study of 1,447 adults which showed that Tamiflu was no better than placebo. Data from the studies that claimed Tamiflu was effective was apparently lost forever.
As The Atlantic reports, that's when former employees of Adis International (essentially a Big Pharma P.R. company) shocked the medical world by announcing they had been hired to ghost-write the studies for Roche.
It gets even better: These researchers were told what to write by Roche!
As one of these ghostwriters told the British Medical Journal:
"The Tamiflu accounts had a list of key messages that you had to get in. It was run by the [Roche] marketing department and you were answerable to them. In the introduction ...I had to say what a big problem influenza is. I'd also have to come to the conclusion that Tamiflu was the answer."
In other words, the Roche marketing department ran the science and told researchers what conclusions to draw from the clinical trials. Researchers hired to conduct the science were controlled by the marketing puppeteers. No matter what they found in the science, they had already been directed to reach to conclusion that "Tamiflu was the answer."
Energetic, holistic health tips and news for you, your family, your pets and your finances!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Silver Water Dispersion Solution Effective Against MRSA
A Brigham-Young Clinical Study Proves Silver Kills MRSA – In this study, conducted quietly in October 2006 at the Department of Microbiology/Molecular Biology of Brigham-Young University, and published in the journal Current Science, Vol. 91, No. 7, October 10, 2006, it was found that a number of the antibiotic drugs which formerly killed MDR (multiple drug-resistant) pathogens such as MRSA could actually be restored to full efficacy against the deadly pathogens, but only if a liquid silver solution similar to colloidal silver was used in conjunction with the drug!
The researchers wrote:
“Silver–Water–Dispersion™ solution has been shown as an effective antibiotic against many Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multiple drug-resistant (MDR) strains (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). As high level acquired resistance to conventional antibiotics is frequent, it seems reasonable to use combination therapy in order to achieve bactericidal synergism. Active silver solutions have shown marked activity against proven bacterial-resistant strains. Hence, a range of antibiotics were tested with Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution to determine antagonism, additive and synergistic effects against a panel of microbial strains… It is clear that the combination will allow a more complete clearing of the pathological organism.”
In short, what the researchers found is that when they used the liquid silver solution in conjunction with the antibiotic drugs that had previously lost their effectiveness against MRSA and other deadly super pathogens, the antibiotics began to work again. The synergism between silver and the antibiotic drugs brought the deadly pathogens back under control. Since the antibiotic drugs had previously lost their effectiveness against the super pathogens, this clearly demonstrates that the silver was the deciding factor in the deaths of the deadly pathogens!
Taiwanese Clinical Study Proves Colloidal Silver By Itself Kills MRSA
Another study, this one conducted in Taiwan, also demonstrated that silver colloids kill both MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, another deadly and extremely opportunistic superbug. In this study, a special colloidal silver solution was tested on contact surfaces where the deadly pathogens are known to colonize, and from which they can spread to humans. The silver solution proved to be completely effective against both the MRSA and Pseudomonas super pathogens.
The study, which demonstrated conclusively that silver could be applied to contact surfaces to stop colonies of MRSA super pathogens from forming, was titled, “Formation of colloidal silver nanoparticles stabilized by Na(+)-poly(gamma-glutamic acid)-silver nitrate complex via chemical reduction process,” and was conducted at the Department of Textile Science, Nanya Institute of Technology, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. It was published in the journal Colloids Surface B Biointerfaces in October 2007.
The researchers wrote:
“Silver–Water–Dispersion™ solution has been shown as an effective antibiotic against many Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multiple drug-resistant (MDR) strains (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). As high level acquired resistance to conventional antibiotics is frequent, it seems reasonable to use combination therapy in order to achieve bactericidal synergism. Active silver solutions have shown marked activity against proven bacterial-resistant strains. Hence, a range of antibiotics were tested with Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution to determine antagonism, additive and synergistic effects against a panel of microbial strains… It is clear that the combination will allow a more complete clearing of the pathological organism.”
In short, what the researchers found is that when they used the liquid silver solution in conjunction with the antibiotic drugs that had previously lost their effectiveness against MRSA and other deadly super pathogens, the antibiotics began to work again. The synergism between silver and the antibiotic drugs brought the deadly pathogens back under control. Since the antibiotic drugs had previously lost their effectiveness against the super pathogens, this clearly demonstrates that the silver was the deciding factor in the deaths of the deadly pathogens!
Taiwanese Clinical Study Proves Colloidal Silver By Itself Kills MRSA
Another study, this one conducted in Taiwan, also demonstrated that silver colloids kill both MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, another deadly and extremely opportunistic superbug. In this study, a special colloidal silver solution was tested on contact surfaces where the deadly pathogens are known to colonize, and from which they can spread to humans. The silver solution proved to be completely effective against both the MRSA and Pseudomonas super pathogens.
The study, which demonstrated conclusively that silver could be applied to contact surfaces to stop colonies of MRSA super pathogens from forming, was titled, “Formation of colloidal silver nanoparticles stabilized by Na(+)-poly(gamma-glutamic acid)-silver nitrate complex via chemical reduction process,” and was conducted at the Department of Textile Science, Nanya Institute of Technology, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. It was published in the journal Colloids Surface B Biointerfaces in October 2007.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Amazing Water Therapy
Posted again because it is so important:
Drink 5/6 glasses (1.5 Litres) of water every morning and avoid medicines, injections, doctor fees etc.
You will never believe this before you actually begin practicing!
Following Ailments have positively responded and been cured with this therapy:
Pulmonary Tubercolosis
Kidney stones
Urogenital diseases
Hyper Acidity Dysentry
Uterus Cancer
Eye diseases
Irregular Menstruation
Breast cancer
Therapy Procedure:
Early morning as soon you get up from bed, drink 1.5 litres of water, i.e. 5 to 6 glasses. The water should be at room temperature, and the most convenient way is to fill a 1.5 litre bottle and keep it by your bedside before going to sleep.
No other drinks or solid food of any sort should be taken 1 hour before and after drinking the 1.5 litre of water.
Initially, it may be difficult to drink so much water at one time, but gradually you will get used to it. So when you begin, drink 2 glasses at first, and then 1 glass every five minutes until the bottle is finished.
It is advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day, i.e. morning, afternoon and night, 1 hour before meals for one week, and twice a day there-after, until the disease disappears.
Consuming ordinary drinking water in this manner purifies human body. Our body is made up of 70% water, so the water we have in our bodies in the form of blood and other fluids should be clean and have the required level of density. If we allow the blood to become thicker, the heart has to work harder to filter out the various wastes and toxins, to collect and distribute nutrients to the various parts and to have the blood recharged with oxygen from our lungs. As blood is the main tool for curing ailments and restoring health, the Water Therapy does the needed job of keeping it at the required density and also cleansing our entire system, as we begin each day.
In simple terms the Water Therapy is just like taking an inner bath. For example to take an outer bath we would need at least a bucket of water, as with two or three cups we cannot clean our body. Similarly to take a inner bath two or three glasses cannot do the required job, we need a full 1.5 litres of water to properly cleanse our system from inside. The human body is the most wonderful creation of God, every single thing you can dream of is built in. God has even placed a Doctor within this body which we normally term as the Healing Mechanism. The medical science agrees that every single disease is due to toxins in our body, which we can term as the dirt inside. Like we use water to clean the dirt of our outer body, dirt out of our clothes, homes etc., in exactly the same way we use water to clean the inner dirt too. The Healing Mechanism is highly intelligent and efficient. It is continuously on the look-out for problems in the body and curing them. The toxins or the dirt are the only things which hamper its work of healing. So by drinking 1.5 litres water every morning, we are only clearing away the obstacles, the dirt and making our inner body clean, so that the Healing Mechanism can do its job as it has been programmed to do.
With this Therapy, not only will you be curing and avoiding so many ailments like malaria, heart attacks, strokes etc, you will also get a beautiful glowing skin. In addition you will find yourself more energetic, more vivacious and more cheerful the entire day, and have a peaceful sleep at night. As your metabolism returns to normal levels, you will feel more hungry, have a better appetite, and if you simply maintain your present diet, you will begin to lose weight without any effort or exercise. At the same time, your sexual energy will bounce back and it will take you back to your youth by 15 years. If you are 60 years old, this will take you back to age 45. Infact this Therapy can be rightly termed as the Natural Viagra for the body, mind and soul.
Over the past year I have met many people who have been practicing this Therapy. The amazing thing is that all of them shared the same experiences of keeping good health and getting healed from various different ailments within a very short time. A certain fellow has been doing it from the past ten years, and when I asked him what were the benefits he derived, he said that since he began the therapy ten years ago, not one day has he fallen sick, been to a doctor or taken any medicine. My Mother was suffering from daily chronic headache from the last 46 years, had tried all possible medicines and treatments but nothing really worked. She began the Water Therapy 7 months ago and within a month got healed.
In these modern times we live in, the human nature has turned so negative that we tend to have no faith in remedies that Mother Nature has bestowed upon us, remedies that are so cost-less but so cost effective, so much affordable by the rich or poor alike. We rather place our faith on man made modern medications, the poisonous drugs which the poor cannot afford, but the rich and poor suffer alike from the serious side effects of these drugs, more than the effect of the disease itself. The end result is always the same as these drugs only treat the symptoms, never the cause, which results into new disease after disease.
Life is to live and to live healthily!
When you are healthy, you are Happy!
The Water Therapy will put you on that permanent road of good health and Happiness!
Try it out, and become living examples of this Therapy, and spread it around to who ever you can. This would be the best gift you ever gave to yourself, and one of the greatest deeds you will do towards Humanity!
from the book 'Light of Hope' by Gurdip Hari
Please visit www.perfectwaters.net for Ayterion Agua and Hydrogen Rich Water
Drink 5/6 glasses (1.5 Litres) of water every morning and avoid medicines, injections, doctor fees etc.
You will never believe this before you actually begin practicing!
Following Ailments have positively responded and been cured with this therapy:
Pulmonary Tubercolosis
Kidney stones
Urogenital diseases
Hyper Acidity Dysentry
Uterus Cancer
Eye diseases
Irregular Menstruation
Breast cancer
Therapy Procedure:
Early morning as soon you get up from bed, drink 1.5 litres of water, i.e. 5 to 6 glasses. The water should be at room temperature, and the most convenient way is to fill a 1.5 litre bottle and keep it by your bedside before going to sleep.
No other drinks or solid food of any sort should be taken 1 hour before and after drinking the 1.5 litre of water.
Initially, it may be difficult to drink so much water at one time, but gradually you will get used to it. So when you begin, drink 2 glasses at first, and then 1 glass every five minutes until the bottle is finished.
It is advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day, i.e. morning, afternoon and night, 1 hour before meals for one week, and twice a day there-after, until the disease disappears.
Consuming ordinary drinking water in this manner purifies human body. Our body is made up of 70% water, so the water we have in our bodies in the form of blood and other fluids should be clean and have the required level of density. If we allow the blood to become thicker, the heart has to work harder to filter out the various wastes and toxins, to collect and distribute nutrients to the various parts and to have the blood recharged with oxygen from our lungs. As blood is the main tool for curing ailments and restoring health, the Water Therapy does the needed job of keeping it at the required density and also cleansing our entire system, as we begin each day.
In simple terms the Water Therapy is just like taking an inner bath. For example to take an outer bath we would need at least a bucket of water, as with two or three cups we cannot clean our body. Similarly to take a inner bath two or three glasses cannot do the required job, we need a full 1.5 litres of water to properly cleanse our system from inside. The human body is the most wonderful creation of God, every single thing you can dream of is built in. God has even placed a Doctor within this body which we normally term as the Healing Mechanism. The medical science agrees that every single disease is due to toxins in our body, which we can term as the dirt inside. Like we use water to clean the dirt of our outer body, dirt out of our clothes, homes etc., in exactly the same way we use water to clean the inner dirt too. The Healing Mechanism is highly intelligent and efficient. It is continuously on the look-out for problems in the body and curing them. The toxins or the dirt are the only things which hamper its work of healing. So by drinking 1.5 litres water every morning, we are only clearing away the obstacles, the dirt and making our inner body clean, so that the Healing Mechanism can do its job as it has been programmed to do.
With this Therapy, not only will you be curing and avoiding so many ailments like malaria, heart attacks, strokes etc, you will also get a beautiful glowing skin. In addition you will find yourself more energetic, more vivacious and more cheerful the entire day, and have a peaceful sleep at night. As your metabolism returns to normal levels, you will feel more hungry, have a better appetite, and if you simply maintain your present diet, you will begin to lose weight without any effort or exercise. At the same time, your sexual energy will bounce back and it will take you back to your youth by 15 years. If you are 60 years old, this will take you back to age 45. Infact this Therapy can be rightly termed as the Natural Viagra for the body, mind and soul.
Over the past year I have met many people who have been practicing this Therapy. The amazing thing is that all of them shared the same experiences of keeping good health and getting healed from various different ailments within a very short time. A certain fellow has been doing it from the past ten years, and when I asked him what were the benefits he derived, he said that since he began the therapy ten years ago, not one day has he fallen sick, been to a doctor or taken any medicine. My Mother was suffering from daily chronic headache from the last 46 years, had tried all possible medicines and treatments but nothing really worked. She began the Water Therapy 7 months ago and within a month got healed.
In these modern times we live in, the human nature has turned so negative that we tend to have no faith in remedies that Mother Nature has bestowed upon us, remedies that are so cost-less but so cost effective, so much affordable by the rich or poor alike. We rather place our faith on man made modern medications, the poisonous drugs which the poor cannot afford, but the rich and poor suffer alike from the serious side effects of these drugs, more than the effect of the disease itself. The end result is always the same as these drugs only treat the symptoms, never the cause, which results into new disease after disease.
Life is to live and to live healthily!
When you are healthy, you are Happy!
The Water Therapy will put you on that permanent road of good health and Happiness!
Try it out, and become living examples of this Therapy, and spread it around to who ever you can. This would be the best gift you ever gave to yourself, and one of the greatest deeds you will do towards Humanity!
from the book 'Light of Hope' by Gurdip Hari
Please visit www.perfectwaters.net for Ayterion Agua and Hydrogen Rich Water
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Suggestions for Swine Flu Vaccination
There's a lot of scary information flying across the net right now regarding the vaccines for H1N1.
If, due to your occupation, you are forced to take the vaccine, or your children's school is forcing it, there are a couple of things you can do as soon as possible after getting vaccinated.
Immediately use either our Aloe Gel or a beneficial clay such as Pascalite or Bentonite Clay on the injection site; this will draw out toxins. Continue to use it for several days.
Take Perfect Silverion along with Clear for at least 30 days. I would continue to take both of these throughout the next several months, as people who have been injected will continue to spread the flu. Pay attention to the mucous membranes; use a nasal spray, drop some into your ears and spray your eyes.
If, due to your occupation, you are forced to take the vaccine, or your children's school is forcing it, there are a couple of things you can do as soon as possible after getting vaccinated.
Immediately use either our Aloe Gel or a beneficial clay such as Pascalite or Bentonite Clay on the injection site; this will draw out toxins. Continue to use it for several days.
Take Perfect Silverion along with Clear for at least 30 days. I would continue to take both of these throughout the next several months, as people who have been injected will continue to spread the flu. Pay attention to the mucous membranes; use a nasal spray, drop some into your ears and spray your eyes.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Website is Up!
Finally, the new site is up and running. Sorry for any inconvenience while we did the changeover. And, from home: We have had the best fresh vegetables this summer. I have a huge crop of tomatoes that are so sweet, large and beautiful! I have been using Perfect Science in the water on the garden; it absolutely amps up the nutrients, and creates beautiful organic fruits and vegetables. Although we do not have the environmental products at this time, I've been using drinkable formula in my waterings.
Next step is hydroponics over the winter. Stay tuned.
Next step is hydroponics over the winter. Stay tuned.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Eliminate Heavy Metals with Ayterion Agua
Heavy metals can be addressed by using Ayterion Agua Perfect Science line of bio-health products.
After years of illness, I was finally alerted to the fact that I had mercury and aluminum toxicity. After just weeks on the Ayterion Agua formulas, my brain fog had lifted, my energy improved, and my pain was gone!
Please check our site for information on these incredible products!
After years of illness, I was finally alerted to the fact that I had mercury and aluminum toxicity. After just weeks on the Ayterion Agua formulas, my brain fog had lifted, my energy improved, and my pain was gone!
Please check our site for information on these incredible products!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Clean and Raise the Frequency of Your Veggies and Fruit
Soak your veggies in spring water mixed with Ayterion Agua. Spray your fruit with Ayterion Agua.
This will not only transmute the toxins in your food, it will raise the frequency, something much needed now.
Better than organic!!
This will not only transmute the toxins in your food, it will raise the frequency, something much needed now.
Better than organic!!
No Credit Check, No Income Verification, No Loan Payments
Private business charitable foundation membership is helping members acquire property with little down, and repayment through work.
Can be used for business expansion, debt payoff, get out of foreclosure, start a humanitarian project - whatever. Minimum is $100,000.
Write us at perfectwaters@core.com for more information.
Can be used for business expansion, debt payoff, get out of foreclosure, start a humanitarian project - whatever. Minimum is $100,000.
Write us at perfectwaters@core.com for more information.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Funding for your House, Your Business, Your Project
We are so excited about this membership group, we can't stop talking about it.
Private charitable business foundation is offering funding to help people pay off their mortgage, buy a house, expand their business, get out of debt, start a charity - whatever!
And there are many more benefits. Please write us at perfectwaters@core.com for more information.
Private charitable business foundation is offering funding to help people pay off their mortgage, buy a house, expand their business, get out of debt, start a charity - whatever!
And there are many more benefits. Please write us at perfectwaters@core.com for more information.
Other Ways to Use Ayterion Agua Formulas
Mix with plant food, and boost the nutrition to your plants!!
Spray on coffee or tea grounds, let dry, and experience clean, clear, energetic coffee and tea!
Put into a spray bottle and carry it with you to spray food in restaurants, or spray around your head and body.
Mix into soups - add an ounce of blended formula into soups and stews.
Add to frozen juice.
I use it with Cranberry and Blueberry/Pomegranite juice which is unsweetened. These juices are quite potent and I dilute them with spring water and formula.
Save your bath water after using Bath and Spa formula. You can add hot water to it the next day. Or, use that water to water your plants.
I save my steam water (or vegetable cooking water) and water plants with it.
Drop the blended formula into your eyes to remove toxins, and balance the eyes.
Mix with essential oils to enhance the frequency.
The amount you put in is up to you, but 1/2 oz. to an ounce will suffice.
The uses are endless!!
Spray on coffee or tea grounds, let dry, and experience clean, clear, energetic coffee and tea!
Put into a spray bottle and carry it with you to spray food in restaurants, or spray around your head and body.
Mix into soups - add an ounce of blended formula into soups and stews.
Add to frozen juice.
I use it with Cranberry and Blueberry/Pomegranite juice which is unsweetened. These juices are quite potent and I dilute them with spring water and formula.
Save your bath water after using Bath and Spa formula. You can add hot water to it the next day. Or, use that water to water your plants.
I save my steam water (or vegetable cooking water) and water plants with it.
Drop the blended formula into your eyes to remove toxins, and balance the eyes.
Mix with essential oils to enhance the frequency.
The amount you put in is up to you, but 1/2 oz. to an ounce will suffice.
The uses are endless!!
Remember the Cocoon Pool?
Well, it will be a reality at a wellness center coming to you soon!!
Keep an eye on us for updates to this incredible news!
Keep an eye on us for updates to this incredible news!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Can't Afford Organic? Make Your Food and Drink Better Than Organic!
By using Ayterion Agua Perfect Science formulas on your food, in your coffee, in your soups and stews, you are not only transmuting - and yes, I mean transmuting - the toxins in your food and drink into beneficial amino acids, you are raising the frequency of your food and drink.
There are many "plates" out there that claim to detox your food and raise the frequency, and many do - BUT FOR HOW LONG? The Ayterion Agua Perfect Science formulas do it permanently.
Water can be cleaned, filtered, and have frequencies applied, but water will eventually return to it's original toxic frequency because that is the nature of water. There is only one product that can permanently eliminate toxins on a physical level, and on a vibrational level - that is Ayterion Agua Perfect Science formulas. Please go to www.perfectwaters.net/internal.html for more information.
There are many "plates" out there that claim to detox your food and raise the frequency, and many do - BUT FOR HOW LONG? The Ayterion Agua Perfect Science formulas do it permanently.
Water can be cleaned, filtered, and have frequencies applied, but water will eventually return to it's original toxic frequency because that is the nature of water. There is only one product that can permanently eliminate toxins on a physical level, and on a vibrational level - that is Ayterion Agua Perfect Science formulas. Please go to www.perfectwaters.net/internal.html for more information.
Can't Get a Mortgage? We Can Help.
Although not part of our regular business, we are able to invite you into a private membership club which can help you fund a property purchase, pay off debts, expand a business, start a business, do a humanitarian project - whatever.
There is no credit check, no income verification.
For more information, write proplady@core.com.
There is no credit check, no income verification.
For more information, write proplady@core.com.
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