Toxins Can Cause Weight Gain
According to this article at Pompa Seminar Blog, rats given excessive toxins had substantial weight gain. The article goes on to say that toxins, because they are fat soluble are attracted to fat cells, and when they attach to the outer membrane of fat cells, it causes leptin to be produced excessively which burns out the brain’s leptin receptors. Leptin tells the body to burn fat. The article also goes on to say that toxins also cause cytokines to be released in the body which damage leptin receptors.
Also, when the liver cannot process the toxins we ingest, the fat cells go to work and encapsulate the toxins. Our body is a miraculous piece of machinery and will do as much as it can, with the energy and resources it has, to protect itself from toxicity.
So, what can you do about toxins? Well, avoiding them would be the first line of defense. Eat organic foods, drink clean, pure water, get a filter on your shower head so that you don’t absorb the fluoride and chlorine when showering.
But that doesn’t account for the air you breathe, nor the toxins that are already in the body. I use a product line sold by my company, Perfect Waters – Perfect Science Ayterion Agua. I have been on these products for about 12 years now, and they have saved my life. I had mercury toxicity which had ruined my health, and once I started taking these products, my life turned around – better health, more energy, more mental clarity. These products actually transform toxins in the body – whether it’s oil, chemicals or heavy metals – into beneficial amino acids.
Detoxing the body is an ongoing process. Until this planet gets cleaned up, we will ingest, breathe, bathe and touch poisons. It is the major cause of disease on this planet. In addition, we are purposely being fed food that is contaminated with pesticides and herbicides, and now with genetically modified organisms. Most of the prepared foods that are on the store shelves have MSG in them, with hidden names such as “natural flavorings,” “hydrolyzed vegetable protein,” “yeast extract,” and many more terms. They are even spraying MSG on our crops, and on meat. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is an excitotoxin which overstimulates the neurons of the brain, causing the brain cells to die. It is naturally produced in the body in extremely small doses; when it is delivered to us through our food supply, it is overdosed and becomes a toxin. MSG stimulates us to eat more, and stimulates serotonin production in the brain, giving us that calming, pleasurable feel we get when we eat “yummy” food. I have become very sensitive to noticing this effect whenever I eat something with MSG in it. Again, it’s a toxin at these levels, and if not properly dealt with by the liver, can be encapsulated by our fat cells.
Another neurotoxin is fluoride which causes sedation, damages the thyroid and the pineal gland, and research is showing that it is the cause of many degenerative diseases. We used to protest a lot in the 60′s; other countries now protest more than we do against leaders who don’t have their best interest in mind. I believe it is the level of fluoride that we ingest through our water supply that is causing us to be less involved and more sedate. Sedate people don’t move as much – they tend to be couch potatoes and tend to pack on the pounds. More weight means it's harder to move, and when it's harder to move, you are less motivated to exercise, kind of an endless loop. Fluoride can cause damage to the thyroid - a damaged thyroid will lower your metabolism substantially. All of this is another reason for weight gain.
I take the extra precaution of either washing my food with Perfect Waters’ products, and even spraying it on my meats. I also put it into soups, stews, tea, coffee, etc. I try to detox my food before I eat it.
Also, when you are losing weight, and eliminating fat, you are releasing toxins. If those toxins are more than the body can handle, they can be redistributed throughout the body, and you’re going to have more fat cells trying to capture the toxins. I highly recommend being on the Perfect Waters’ products when dieting.
Have a great day! I wish you freedom from toxins today!