All I can say is lots and lots. We have been busy much of the time with family issues, and so have not been able to put out a newsletter in the last months.
But, don't take that as us not being around. We've been working hard at finding new products, upgrading old products, and honing skills to help you through the new year.
We have a new face/body cream called Angel Perfect Pearl Cream which includes both pearl powder and Ayterion Agua. We know that the Ayterion Agua will raise the frequency, and help transform toxins into nutrients, but by adding the benefits of pearl powder, I think we have a winner in the skin care line. The ingredients are mostly organic (which is not an issue with Ayterion Agua, as it brings every element to its highest vibration). The cream works well with the Rejuvenator Wand to lift and tighten the skin. Everyone who buys a wand, or a wand and the cream, will receive instructions on how to do your own at home facelift. It only takes minutes a day!
As a bonus, anyone who sends a testimonial with before and after pictures to us about the wand or the cream, will receive a free 4 oz. jar of the Angel Perfect Pearl Cream.
In addition, we have added some new energy necklaces called Frumples®. Frumples® are made by hand by the Frumple® Queen, and then energized. They are a great addition, and because the cost is so reasonable, everyone in the family can have added strength, balance, energy, and EMF protection.
Also, we have been having a lot of success with clients, friends and family in using The Emotion Code. If you have any kind of relationship issues, old traumas, pain, weight loss issues, OCD, etc., consider a session or two with me over the phone doing emotional release. We all have trapped emotions, and these can eventually lead to pain, disorders, degenerative conditions or more. I personally have had problems with a rotated pelvis, and even though the Rejuvenator Wand relieved the pain, the problem persisted. By using the Emotion Code, I have been able to completely relax the muscles which allowed the pelvis to return to its normal position. I continue to use the wand, as the muscles have been tense for some time, and need that beautiful energy to return completely to normal.
The Emotion Code works well for weight issues, and I would venture to say, that every weight issue has old emotional trauma associated with it. Sometimes it is layers of emotions, and we have to go back, and re-address the issue in order to get to more layers.
Also important is breaking down our Heart Wall, as identified by Dr. Nelson in The Emotion Code book. I have found Heart Walls that are hundreds of feet thick, and sometimes extending into miles. By releasing the old negative emotions that constitute this Heart Wall, we find ourselves in a place where we are more able to enjoy life, have more intimate relationships, attract better relationships, and move forward and evolve. I test people before clearing the Heart Wall, and after, using the Power vs. Force Map of Consciousness and everyone makes a jump up the scale of consciousness. It is important to check your Heart Wall periodically because you can begin to build it again. The Vatic Project, just this past week, did an article on the Heart Wall.
I truly respect psychiatrists and therapists; however, we are moving into an era now of healing ourselves. Once you learn the Emotion Code, you will have a life long tool to clear old traumas.
You may see us at health fairs here and there.
We have had a great deal of success with pain relief with the Rejuvenator Wand. And, we had a beautiful lady whose hand was paralyzed from a stroke 14 years ago, that has regained movement and circulation in that hand. It has been an incredible few weeks for us, and I'm just so happy that we can bring this technology forward to those who need it.