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I have been working with energy healing for almost ten years. I use a variety of therapies, including Reiki, energy formulas, essential oils, and bio-energetic frequencies.
I've had a lot of success in using any of these processes, both in person, and remotely. When you provide energy and remove toxins, generally the body will respond favorably, and begin healing itself. By lessening the impact of environmental toxins on the immune system, we allow the body to focus on self-healing.
There are times, however, when a person has a limited response, or does not respond at all. What I have found is that there are emotional blockages which are preventing healing.
Negative emotions from trauma, abuse, or attacks on our self esteem, lodge themselves in our cells. We can continue to trigger these negative emotions, and they will imbed themselves even more within the cellular structure of the body. At some point, the body responds with illness. We can also carry with us generational trauma, or trauma from past lives.
I first learned about Emotional De-fusion therapy about 5 years ago, and saw the incredible changes in facial musculature, stance and demeanor in the students of the class as they released their old traumas. It was quite amazing, and I found that emotional release work is really necessary when addressing any kind of physical issues.
In Emotional De-fusion, we use Applied Kinesiology to determine the negative emotions and the age of cause. Next, we pinpoint the negative emotions and gently de-fuse them. We can then fill the void with a positive affirmation. This is really all it takes. It's simple, fast and is never confrontational. We address the emotion, but not the situation. This therapy can be done in person or over the telephone.
Since learning Emotional De-fusion, I have gone on to learn other techniques, which have proven just as successful, one of which is The Emotion Code. Any of these techniques can be used quickly and easily prior to working with any health issues. Many physical issues can be relieved or eliminated altogether by releasing the underlying emotional stress.
We all have old emotional traumas, and can use these therapies on ourselves, to help us move through life more easily. When we feel stuck in a situation, or repeat the same behavior, find ourselves acting out in anger, or can't move beyond the grieving process, it's time to address what's going on. Spiritually, we also have an obligation to let go of old negative emotions in order to move forward.